As I introduced my roof garden and plantation in the waste household articles in this post , and told you that I am much fond of planting flowers veggies on my dream project creating a "SkyGarden" on the roof top of my flat .
Here is some snap and two casual videos , narrating simple queries and info about these plants ..
spinach , in the waste cooler base
spinach- in waste cooler base ,पालक का साग , बेकार कूलर तल में
Brinjal Plants in the waste sitting tool बैठकी स्टूल में बैंगन का पौधा
Various Household articles used as pots घर में उपयोग हुई वस्तुओं का गमलों के रूप में प्रयोग
waste dustbin used as flower pot कचरापेटी का गमले के रूप में प्रयोग
used water storaged drum for planting Gauva plant पानी का ड्रम अमरुद के पौधे लगाने के काम में
Waste bucket -used for Tomato plants लीक हो रही बाल्टी में टमाटर के पौधे
Tomatos टमाटर
beautiful flowers in my roof garden आकाश वाटिका में सुन्दर पुष्प
Carrot and Raddish plants ...
And here are the two formal pieces of videos clips just answering the query of my son and daughter ...